The mini PC I've had sitting on my desk the last several years has finally given up. This may be the excuse I need to finally spring for a new rig.
@matigo feels long to me. Left on 14th and get back home on the 5th. I get a significant time off next year, no idea what I will do then.
@matigo we are sailing back across Drakes Passage today. Fortunately good weather continues. Back in Argentina tomorrow, and then trek back home in a few more days.
We had some amazingly beautiful weather yesterday in Paradise Bay, Antarctica. Saw lots of Gentoo Penguins 🐧 and Humpback Whales 🐋.
@matigo wind is blowing hard but the ship seems pretty stable. So far at least.
Found some of those Gentoo folk on the beach at the Falkland Islands a couple of days ago.