Got around to making that web app launcher. :p

Is it weird that I just installed and switched to using TWM on my Ubuntu guest?

hehe, rough space and sloppy python makes for all kinds of fun. :p

@thrrgilag test reply

No idea, probably depends on how or if it's declared through customs. In my mind not worth the trouble.

can't be shipped to the US without a little difficulty as it's not FCC certified. At least it wasn't when I last checked.

I'm thinking about getting either a BQ phone or see if I can dredge up a Nexus 4 to have something on the official release for development use. The BQ phone though would be limited to 2G so not practical as a primary phone.

It's r5 on the ubports stable channel, but keep in mind this is the Nexus 5 port so it doesn't align perfectly with the official releases. The batter life thing is a known issue for this port.

I really like the UI, the gestures feel natural to me. The notification drawer is a little awkward though, but maybe just needs some getting used to. My biggest complaint right now besides batter life on the N5 is the lack of a xmpp client. I had to port my bot code over to telegram since that's the only real chat client available at the moment.

Sweet. Looks like I've got a basic client to use on Ubuntu Touch. Now just need to throw together a couple of web apps to see the timeliness. :D