Just finished off that 3rd pot of #coffee so I think I might be functional now. ☕

Blarp @thrrgilag

Okay back from running the kid to school. Which post did you not get a reply on?

I'll take a look.

Meh, only 4 hours of sleep last night. I think I'm going to be rather useless today.

@kdfrawg Yeah I think tomorrow should be better if I manage to get some good sleep in tonight.

@kdfrawg Well at least an unproductive one.

I've been feeling brain dead pretty much all day.

Too much cloud cover in my area. Guess I'll be watching the eclipse via the inter webs.

Okay my chatroom style feed of the public global timeline is available on matrix to those interested. Telegam and XMPP will follow soonish. #global-blurbs:monkeystew.net