No doubt. At least until I recalibrate and then I'll be back to complaining again.

I don't like the way it started. :p

Ick. I hate hot weather. Can summer be over now?

a ghost from the past.

Aparently so! I see, it's an event in their archives that someone got into their alert system.

Huh, got a notification of a M6.8 quake near Santa Barbara, only the email is dated June 29 2025, web page says 1925, and it seems nothing actually happen. I wonder if someone bumped something they shouldn't have.

Among many I'm sure. :p

Me:  Why does everything look fuzzy on my phone?

  •  sips coffee
  •  puts on glasses
    Me:  Oh. 

Not gonna lie, I really like having a phone with a keyboard again. #KEYone

I'd love it if people used any number of different systems but people don't think about it or even care. I blame Apple for part of that (making the whole imessage thing seamless).