@thrrgilag another quick test

I've reverted things so notifications should be working again.


Quick BlurbyBot update, I've re-enabled the old polling mechanism to watch for mentions so notifications should begin working again. Please alert me of any problems. Should notifications be failing and I don't notice feel free to reach me using Telegram https://t.me/thrrgilag or Matrix @thrrgilag:monkeystew.net

@thrrgilag blarp

yeah, something added behind the scenes but it appears to be broken currently. I'm going to be reverting some code today to go back to polling temporarily until we figure out what's not working.

I'm not seeing any hits from your servers in my access logs. weird


i just tested my end point and it appears to be okay. are you seeing a failure posting to my end point?


Nope. I'm not seeing any pushes to my server.


test mention because test

just got back home from the office. I'll dig in and figure out what's going on.
