I suspect it's less so these days but certainly has the feel of someone dedicated 20% thinking towards it. Maybe it's more along the lines of 20% towards marketing rather than the technology? ¯\(ツ)

Just when I was starting to warm up to the idea of going Android again, thinking "this Google stuff isn't too bad if it can be managed properly", I see something like this and realize that it's a trap!

I think even if Google were to do that, they'd never be done with it.

Indeed. I wonder how long this one will last before they start over yet again.

Heh, so this is how Google expects to get adoption for their yet another attempt at a messaging platform. Allo can send you messages on Android even if you dont' install it

I can hear Jony now… "the perfect matching of human in machine and a very personal way"


I'll look into the possibility of supporting multiple accounts if that's something of use. Of course it means notifications would likely need to hit both not knowing which your using, but that perhpas could be a toggle as well. Hmmm…

That explains it. BlurbyBot is assuming 1 to 1 kind of relationship. If you want to switch to the account on the phone you'll need to unregister the OSX account first.

I take it your using a different Telegram account then?

Maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing. Are you trying to enable PushOver notifications? It appears your already using the Telegram bot.