We apologise again for the interuption in BlurbyBot notifications. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked.


Apparently as well as either of us. Guess I better break out the editor and start digging in. //

Appears to be on my end. My polling process went off into the weeds. //

@thrrgilag blurp

apparently not violent enough. investigating further.


I just kicked it to see if it starts working again.

@kdfrawg are you neglecting your car? you should take it out for a drive. :-)

Okay so battery drain is still more than I would like with the sim card in. So back to WiFi only for this thing. Just as well I suppose.

Doing something crazy by putting my sim card into the SailfishOS Nexus 5. Let's see what this does to my battery life and usability. I already see an issue with MMS while on WiFi which doesn't surprise me (Ubuntu has the same issue).