@matigo And now that song is in my head. Not that I'm complaining… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZv7amQjB00 // @jextxadore
@jextxadore something got jammed up and I had to kick the services over. Hopefully it is working properly now.
@kdfrawg evidently. BlackBerry drove away a good chunk of devs when they started pushing everyone to develop Android apps. I almost didn't bother but I figured it'd be nice to throw a little love to the few remaining die hard users.
// @matigo
Seems that BlurbyBot Telegram needed to be kicked. Apologies for missed notifications.
Okay I'm going to tackle my next effort but not sure which I should do first. Should I work on an Ubuntu Touch app or Sailfish OS app? And should it be a social client or a port of my BB todo app?
And update submitted to BlackBerry World. Let's see how long it takes for them to review and approve
@matigo I'd probably find some way to destroy it anyway. Instead I will just think of this as natural selection. The weaker cups are eliminated to make way for new stronger cups.