Made it through my inbox already and I have no meetings on the calendar. This means I can probably put on some music and hammer away on code. Today looks to be a good day. :-D

I'm apparently still trying to get my Monday on even though it's Tuesday. Need coffee#

Pretty much yeah. Fighting the urge to burn the whole thing to the ground and rewrite it from the ground up.

Nothing more exciting than parsing through and updating code you haven't touched in over 3 years.

After a bit of tinkering I've settled on Gogs for hosting my public source code projects. is now live and I've migrated the one project I'm keeping over from Github. ?

So Office 365 is all kinds of broken this afternoon.

My early Gogs testing looks promising. Need to hammer on it some more before I make that official or alternatly mess with GitLab

you had me googling that for a moment…

I think I'll start tinkering with Gogs for hosting my repositories. Looks promising although I find it odd the project isn't self-hosting.