Okay got the registration sorted out with BlurbyBot. It should be working properly now.

teach me to release something just before bed. :| Looks like I've got a bug someone and of course my logging isn't doing what it's supposed to. I'll update when it's fixed.

Okay, I think I've got most of the kinks ironed out for version 1 of BlurbyBot. This first part is a Telegram bot which at the moment just serves as a mechanism to be notified of mentions. Feel free to take it for a spin. https://telegram.me/blurbybot I'll add functions like post, reply, stars, etc soon. The second part will be to add other push notification channels. More on that probably later in the week as I sort out which I want to tackle first.

Okay one more component and then I'll be ready for people to start breaking it.

Blarp @thrrgilag - okay yeah I know…

Cool, I'm cooking up something that will be a service for others to make use of beyond just me. Also written in Python!

Please excuse my funny noises, I am debugging my blurby bot. :p

Blarp @thrrgilag

Blurb @thrrgilag test the second.

It's rather crude at the moment but I expect once I get a few things ironed out it will be. Do expect I'll start pestering you on a few API things… :-)