Blarp @thrrgilag

I've actually managed to squeeze in some code hacking time this weekend and got some of my notification code re-written into a service. Depending on how today pans out I hope to have something live very soon for others to play with. :-)

Morning all.

DoggCatcher was a longtime favorite of mine. Recently though I started using pocketcasts, mostly because I switch phones regularly and it supports more than one platform.

Oh sweet glad I asked. I'll test that out. Thanks!

OAuth still on the way and is it happening anytime in the near future? Wondering if I should implement a little extra dance during authentication for one of my apps…

Egads it's been a busy week. Hadn't had much time for code or mucking about online but maybe after work today. But first, #coffee!

@kdfrawg I live in constant fear of that myself.

Yep, it's just Linux so you can do a lot with it.