sets nexus 5 aside to contemplate it's desire to run sfos. fetches moto-g from drawer, unlocks bootloader, flashes custom recovery and sfos, adds device to sdk That should take care of that. :p

So 3 failed attempts now to update SailfishOS on my Nexus 5. Perhaps I need to set this aside for now and focus on other things. :|

Pliny the Elder is doing wonders for my code this evening.

I work from home 100% of the time but kinda miss working in an office. If I could reasonably split my time that I think would be ideal.


I think it's about time for me to get all up in my codez n stuff…

Current status: Installing Windows Server in a VM so I can break stuff and learn.

Looking over some mainframe JCL for the first time in I don't know how long. :o

Alright Thursday. Had my first pot of #coffee, now let's see what you'll throw at me today. :p

Hmm… Looks like it's about time for me to build up my PowerShell knowledge.

what I like is that while it supports android wear it doesn't rely on it like other supposidly smart watches do.1 It runs it's own OS. That said though yeah they are killing the product line which is sad. We'll see how long my pebble continues to work.

// @thrrgilag

  1. Android wear is crap