keeping busy breaking codes stuf like that. You?

I think I've been spending a little too much time fighting the gnu social client apis. I started contemplating fixing or replacing it with something better. I've already got too many projects I want to do.

just a bit… but will it be enough to hold all the secrets?

it's as if my kids were trying to text me or something.


Screen clip from your end visiting the url in the post. Although I have the same issue which is why I looked. :)

Minor quirk, thinking this probably needs a little tweaking to clarify the author of the orig post.

@thrrgilag sloppy code is what we make. Awesome code can't be tinkered on later :P

only withy my sloppy coding on a client that I started in on. :p

@thrrgilag ah looks like i had a typo in my reply code. :p

Clearly I need to spend some time cleaning up my 10C codes.