In other news, I updated the theme to my main blog with a new theme and adding microblog posts into the mix. If it looks familar, I cribbed from a post Manton did a year ago Microblogging with WordPress. Not 100% sure how I'm fitting this into my social mix yet but if nothing else it was an exuse to update my site theme.

Nothing really wakes you up first thing in the morning like that first splash of hot #coffee… ON YOUR HANDS! F***!

O_o //

Between GPS, the screen being on, and the camera running I imagine at alarming rates. Maybe this is a plot by external battery makers to boost their profits…

Not likely. It's more a discussion about use of GPS and location services but the choise of subject "Pokemon Go" almost caused me to skip over it entirely.

Sigh, Pokemon Go has made it into the Ubuntu Phone mailing list apparently. Clearly there is no escape from this thing.

I'm not really sure he's trying to get around walled gardens. There is support for bringing content in via RSS or there is hosted content option. Which is why I'm digging through his previous stuff to get a better handle on the mindset. //

Yes related to his snippets service that will eventually launch. But at it's core it incorperats feeds of micro blog posts from whereever. Since I'm big on hosting my own stuff I'm looking at how he's done his own in the past versus stuff that I've been toying with.

I'm reading through Manton's blog and a few other related posts with regards to indieweb, microblogs, and whatnot. Considering incorporating a few little tidbits into my post workflow.

@kdfrawg Uh wow that looks good.