@kdfrawg She's laying on the floor vent in my office at the moment. Her favorite place to be in the morning.

Because SPACE! Orbital ATK CRS-7 launch coverage. https://www.nasa.gov/live

So this is why I see my cat hanging around my coffee maker.

A Deluge of Feels

yep. ? shell & python scripting is a plus


I should say that its more along the lines of Linux user and admin skills. Compiling kernels are not required. But knowing how to manage and troubleshoot an MTA is.

responded to the pnut PM.

There are core sites they prefer employees normally to work from but if you are interested I can send you the link. There may be options depending on the qualificaitons and need.

There may be another opporunity that requires less Linux experience coming in the near future but it may be location specific. I'll post about it when I know more.

My $employer has a full time position open in the email operations team. Requires a solid background in Linux and email. PM me for details if interested.

Coffee warms the soul.